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UI: ClosedLoop

Closed-loop simulations

MPT3 introduces a special object to represent closed-loop systems, consisting of a dynamical system and an MPC controller:

loop = ClosedLoop(mpc, sys)

where mpc represents an MPC controller (either on-line or explicit MPC), and sys describes the dynamical system.

After a closed-loop object is constructed, you can simulate it by

data = loop.simulate(x0, Nsim)

where x0 is the initial state for the simulation, and Nsim is the number of simulation steps.

As an example, consider MPC for a linear system {$ x^+ = A x + B u$} with following properties:

prediction_model = LTISystem('A', [1 1; 0 1], 'B', [1; 0.5]);
prediction_model.x.min = [-5; -5];
prediction_model.x.max = [5; 5];
prediction_model.u.min = -1;
prediction_model.u.max = 1;
prediction_model.x.penalty = QuadFunction([1 0; 0 1]);
prediction_model.u.penalty = QuadFunction(1);
N = 4;
mpc = MPCController(prediction_model, N);

Now we want to verify how the controller performs if connected to a different system, say {$ x^+ = A x + B u $} with {$ A = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1 \\ 0.2 & 1 \end{bmatrix} $}, {$ B = \begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ 0.8 \end{bmatrix} $}:

simulation_model = LTISystem('A', [1 1; 0.2 1], 'B', [1; 0.8]);
loop = ClosedLoop(mpc, simulation_model);
x0 = [4; 0];
Nsim = 20;
data = loop.simulate(x0, Nsim)

data =

       X: [2x21 double]
       U: [1x20 double]
       Y: []
    cost: [1x20 double]


NOTE: if you change the controller and/or the system in your MATLAB workspace, the change(s) will automatically propagate to the closed-loop object without the need to re-create it. In other words, in the example above we can as well do:

mpc.N = 10;
data = loop.simulate(x0, Nsim)

and the simulation will automatically use the new controller with prediction horizon 10.

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Page last modified on November 01, 2013, at 06:45 PM