
Geometry.OperationsWithPolyhedra History

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August 22, 2013, at 12:26 PM by Martin Herceg -
Added lines 23-33:

For further help on the methods of the @@Polyhedron@@ class, type @@help@@ at the Matlab prompt. For instance, to obtain the help description for Minkowski summation in @@plus@@ method, type
(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:) [@
help Polyhedron/plus
or display the Matlab documentation that contains additional examples on the geometric methods
(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:) [@
and search for the specific method there.

August 22, 2013, at 12:21 PM by Martin Herceg -
Added lines 15-16:
** @@plus@@ - Minkowski summation
** @@minus@@ - Pontryagin difference
Deleted line 22:
August 22, 2013, at 09:18 AM by Martin Herceg -
Added lines 9-20:
** @@affineHull@@ - affine hull
** @@affineMap@@ - affine maps
** @@invAffineMap@@ - inverse affine maps
** @@grid@@ - regular grid of the polytope
** @@meshGrid@@ - grid given as coordinates for 2D polytopes
** @@mldivide@@ - set difference
** @@normalize@@ - normalization of H-representation
** @@project@@ - project a point onto a set
** @@projection@@ - orthogonal projection onto axis
** @@slice@@ - cuts of polyhedra
** @@triangulate@@ - triangulation
** @@volume@@ - computing a volume
August 15, 2013, at 04:13 PM by Martin Herceg -
Changed line 251 from:
Computation of the Chebyshev center corresponds to inscribing a circle inside a polyhedron which is implemented in the @@chebyCenter@@ method. The circle is described as {$ \{ x ~|~  \| x-x_c \|_2 \le r \} $} where {$x_c$} is the center and {$ r $} is the radius. Consider the following polyhedron
Computation of the Chebyshev center corresponds to inscribing the largest ball inside a polyhedron which is implemented in the @@chebyCenter@@ method. The ball is described as {$ \{ x ~|~  \| x-x_c \|_2 \le r \} $} where {$x_c$} is the center of the ball and {$ r $} is the radius. Consider the following polyhedron
Changed line 255 from:
The data of the circle can be computed by calling
The data of the ball can be computed by calling
Changed line 265 from:
where the field @@x@@ represents the center and @@r@@ is the radius. The field @@exitflag@@ is the status returned from the optimization solver. As the circle is a convex set, it can be represented as @@YSet@@ object and plotted together with the polyhedron
where the field @@x@@ represents the center and @@r@@ is the radius. The field @@exitflag@@ is the status returned from the optimization solver. As the ball is a convex set, it can be represented as @@YSet@@ object and plotted together with the polyhedron
August 15, 2013, at 04:10 PM by Martin Herceg -
Changed line 251 from:
Computation of the Chebyshev center corresponds to inscribing a circle inside a polyhedron which is implemented in the @@chebyCenter@@ method. The circle is described as {$ x |  \| x-x_c \|_2 \le r $} where {$x_c$} is the center and {$ r $} is the radius. Consider the following polyhedron
Computation of the Chebyshev center corresponds to inscribing a circle inside a polyhedron which is implemented in the @@chebyCenter@@ method. The circle is described as {$ \{ x ~|~  \| x-x_c \|_2 \le r \} $} where {$x_c$} is the center and {$ r $} is the radius. Consider the following polyhedron
August 15, 2013, at 04:08 PM by Martin Herceg -
Changed line 251 from:
Computation of the Chebyshev center corresponds to inscribing a circle inside a polyhedron which is implemented in the @@chebyCenter@@ method. The circle is described as ${ x |  \| x-x_c \|_2 \le r $} where {$x_c$} is the center and {$ r $} is the radius. Consider the following polyhedron
Computation of the Chebyshev center corresponds to inscribing a circle inside a polyhedron which is implemented in the @@chebyCenter@@ method. The circle is described as {$ x |  \| x-x_c \|_2 \le r $} where {$x_c$} is the center and {$ r $} is the radius. Consider the following polyhedron
August 15, 2013, at 04:07 PM by Martin Herceg -
Changed line 227 from:
To test wheter the polyhedron @@P@@ contains the origin {$x_0 = [0; 0] $}, the function @@contains@@ is invoked
To test wheter the polyhedron @@P@@ contains the origin @@x0 = [0; 0] @@, the function @@contains@@ is invoked
Changed line 236 from:
The answer is yes, so the point {$x_0$} is contained inside the polyhedron. What about the point {$x_1 = [3; 0] $}?
The answer is yes, so the point {$x_0$} is contained inside the polyhedron. What about the point @@x1 = [3; 0] @@?
Changed lines 251-252 from:

Computation of the Chebyshev center corresponds to inscribing a circle inside a polyhedron which is implemented in the @@chebyCenter@@ method. The circle is described as ${ x |  \| x-x_c \|_2 \le r $} where {$x_c$} is the center and {$ r $} is the radius. Consider the following polyhedron
(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:) [@
 P5 = Polyhedron([ 1.8  -4.8; -7.2 -3.4; -4.2 1.2; 5.8  2.7]);
The data of the circle can be computed by calling
(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:) [@
data = P5.chebyCenter()

data =

    exitflag: 1
          x: [2x1 double]
          r: 3.1497
where the field @@x@@ represents the center and @@r@@ is the radius. The field @@exitflag@@ is the status returned from the optimization solver. As the circle is a convex set, it can be represented as @@YSet@@ object and plotted together with the polyhedron
(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:) [@
 x = sdpvar(2,1);
 S = YSet(x, norm(x - data.x) <= data.r);
 P5.plot('wire', true, 'linewidth', 2);
 hold on
 S.plot('color', 'lightgreen');
 plot(data.x(1), data.x(2), 'ko', 'MarkerSize', 10, 'MarkerFaceColor', 'k');
%width=500%  Attach:chebycenter.jpg %%
August 15, 2013, at 03:53 PM by Martin Herceg -
Added line 217:
Note that conversion between H- and V-representations is numerically expensive and can become time-consuming for polyhedra with large number of facets or vertices. The numerical computation is delegated to an external CDD solver that should be present at the installation path. ( If not, type @@tbxmanager install cddmex@@ to install it.)
August 15, 2013, at 03:48 PM by Martin Herceg -
Added lines 221-245:
The @@Polyhedron@@ class implements the @@contains@@ method which tests whether a point (or a set of points) is contained inside a polyhedron. Consider the following polyhedron in V-representation
(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:) [@
V = [ -1.7 -0.4; -0.4  0.7; 1.2 -0.8; 0 0.8; 1.3 0.9; -0.3 0.6];
P4 = Polyhedron(V);
To test wheter the polyhedron @@P@@ contains the origin {$x_0 = [0; 0] $}, the function @@contains@@ is invoked
(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:) [@
x0 = [0; 0];
P4.contains( x0 )

ans =

The answer is yes, so the point {$x_0$} is contained inside the polyhedron. What about the point {$x_1 = [3; 0] $}?
(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:) [@
x1 = [3; 0];
P4.contains( x1 )

ans =

The test containment for the points {$x_0$} and {$x_1$} is visualized in the figure below.
%width=500%  Attach:contains.jpg %%
August 15, 2013, at 03:34 PM by Martin Herceg -
Changed line 133 from:
* H-representation
* H-representation (by inequalities and equalities)
Changed line 135 from:
* V-representation
* V-representation (by vertices and rays)
Added lines 137-216:
which can be converted vice-versa. The conversion from H- to V-representation is achieved via @@computeVRep@@ method. Consider the following polyhedron which is created in H-representation
(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:) [@
P2 = Polyhedron('lb', [-1; -2], 'ub', [3; 4])
Polyhedron in R^2 with representations:
    H-rep (redundant)  : Inequalities  4 | Equalities  0
    V-rep              : Unknown (call computeVRep() to compute)
Functions : none


ans =

To compute the V-representation, the method @@computeVRep@@ method is called
(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:) [@
Polyhedron in R^2 with representations:
    H-rep (redundant)  : Inequalities  4 | Equalities  0
    V-rep (redundant)  : Vertices  4 | Rays  0
Functions : none
To obtain the vertices and rays, one has to refer to @@V@@ and @@R@@ properties
(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:) [@

ans =

    3    -2
    -1    -2
    -1    4
    3    4


ans =

  Empty matrix: 0-by-2
Note that the method @@computeVRep@@ is executed automatically when queried for vertices or rays using @@V@@ or @@R@@ properties.

The conversion from V- to H-representation is achieved via @@computeHRep@@ method. Consider the following triangle
(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:) [@
 P3 = Polyhedron([4, -1; 4, 5; 8, 3])
Polyhedron in R^2 with representations:
    H-rep              : Unknown (call computeHRep() to compute)
    V-rep (redundant)  : Vertices  3 | Rays  0
Functions : none


ans =

that comprises of three vertices. The H-representation can be computed by
(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:) [@
Polyhedron in R^2 with representations:
    H-rep (redundant)  : Inequalities  3 | Equalities  0
    V-rep (redundant)  : Vertices  3 | Rays  0
Functions : none
and the facets can be extracted by pointing to @@H@@, @@He@@ properties (or @@A@@, @@Ae@@, @@b@@, @@be@@)
(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:) [@

ans =

    1.0000    2.0000  14.0000
  -1.0000        0  -4.0000
    1.0000  -1.0000    5.0000


ans =

  Empty matrix: 0-by-3
When queried for facets, the method @@computeHRep@@ is executed automatically.
August 15, 2013, at 02:56 PM by Martin Herceg -
Changed line 111 from:
help IterableBehavior
help Polyhedron/forEach
August 15, 2013, at 02:54 PM by Martin Herceg -
Added lines 76-123:
Polyhedra in the array can be removed
(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:) [@
row_array1(2) = []

The [[#basicProperties|basic methods]] operate onto arrays
(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:) [@

ans =

    0    0


ans =



ans =

If the method cannot be executed on an array, the @@forEach@@ function can be applied. For instance, to compute the [[#Grid|grid]] function cannot be evaluated on an array and one observes an error
(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:) [@
Error using ConvexSet/grid (line 22)
This method does not support arrays. Use the forEach() method.
In this case, the @@forEach@@ method can be applied that executes the function on each polyhedron in the array. For more help on @@forEach@@ function type
(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:) [@
help IterableBehavior
The correct syntax for the above example using @@grid@@ function is given as
(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:) [@
N = 5;
output = row_array2.forEach(@(x) grid(x, N), 'UniformOutput', false)

To create a new copy of a @@Polyhedron@@ object, or an array of polyhedra, the method @@copy@@ must be invoked otherwise the new object point to the same data, i.e.
(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:) [@
Qnew = Q.copy()

August 15, 2013, at 02:31 PM by Martin Herceg -
Changed lines 56-75 from:
Polyhedra can be grouped into column or row arrays. For this purpose in MPT there exist overloaded @@horzcat@@ and @@vertcat@@ operators or @@[ ]@@ brackets. Consider the two following polyhedra
(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:) [@
Q = Polyhedron('V', [1, -1; 0, -4; 2.5 -3]);
R = Polyhedron('V', [2.5, -3; -1, 4; 1, -1; -1, 2]);
The row array of polyhedra @@Q@@, @@R@@ can be created twofold
(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:) [@
row_array1 = [Q, R]
row_array2 = horzcat(Q, R)
Similarly, the column array is created as
(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:) [@
column_array1 = [Q; R]
column_array2 = vertcat(Q, R)
Each polyhedron in the array can be extracted using indices, e.g.
(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:) [@
August 15, 2013, at 02:20 PM by Martin Herceg -
Changed lines 24-25 from:
Changed lines 32-33 from:
Changed lines 40-41 from:
Added lines 47-49:
(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:) [@
August 15, 2013, at 02:18 PM by Martin Herceg -
Added line 6:
** [[#FacetVertex| Facet and vertex enumeration ]]
Changed lines 14-20 from:
The @@Polyhedron@@ object can be created in two forms
* H-representation
* V-representation

The @@Polyhedron@@ class contains methods that are very useful for determining the basic properties such as
* emptyness - @@isEmptySet@@
* boundedness - @@isBounded@@
* full-dimensionality - @@isFullDim@@
As an example, consider the lower-dimensional polyhedron in the dimension 3
(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:) [@
P1 = Polyhedron( 'A', [1 -2.1 -0.5; 0.8 -3.1 0.9; -1.2 0.4 -0.8], 'b', [1; 4.9; -1.8], 'Ae', [1 -0.1 0], 'be', 3)
To query, if the set is empty or nor, use
(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:) [@

ans =

From the construction it is evident that the polyhedron is lower-dimensional because it contains one equality constraint. This fact can be checked using the method
(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:) [@

ans =

Boundedness property can be queried by
(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:) [@

ans =

method. One can plot the polyhedron to verify that the above properties are true
%width=500% Attach:P1.jpg %%

Added lines 60-68:
!!!! Facet and vertex enumeration
The @@Polyhedron@@ object can be created in two forms
* H-representation
* V-representation

Changed line 74 from:
!!! Chebyshev center
!!!! Chebyshev center
August 15, 2013, at 02:04 PM by Martin Herceg -
Changed line 15 from:
Changed line 17 from:
August 15, 2013, at 01:58 PM by Martin Herceg -
Added lines 13-17:
The @@Polyhedron@@ object can be created in two forms
* H-representation
* V-representation
August 15, 2013, at 01:52 PM by Martin Herceg -
Changed lines 3-6 from:
* [[Geometry.OperationsWithPolyhedra#BasicProperties | Methods for determining basic properties ]]

* [[Geometry.OperationsWithPolyhedra#MultipleSets | Working with multiple polyhedra ]]
* [[Geometry.OperationsWithPolyhedra#GeometricMethods | Geometric methods ]]
* [[#BasicProperties | Methods for determining basic properties ]]
* [[#MultipleSets | Working with multiple polyhedra ]]
* [[#GeometricMethods | Geometric methods ]]
Changed lines 11-14 from:

Back to
[[Geometry.Geometry| computational geometry overview]].
!!! Methods for determining basic properties

!!! Working with multiple polyhedra

!!! Geometric methods

!!!! Set containment

!!! Chebyshev center

Back to [[Geometry| Computational Geometry]] overview
August 15, 2013, at 01:49 PM by Martin Herceg -
Added lines 1-15:
!!Geometric operations with polyhedra

* [[Geometry.OperationsWithPolyhedra#BasicProperties | Methods for determining basic properties ]]

* [[Geometry.OperationsWithPolyhedra#MultipleSets | Working with multiple polyhedra ]]
* [[Geometry.OperationsWithPolyhedra#GeometricMethods | Geometric methods ]]
** [[#SetContainment| Set containment]]
** [[#ChebyCenter | Chebyshev center ]]


Back to [[Geometry.Geometry| computational geometry overview]].