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August 07, 2013, at 05:33 PM by Michal Kvasnica -
Changed line 23 from:

...retrieve vertices of an H-polytope { x | A*x<=b, Aeq*x=beq }?


...retrieve rays and vertices of an H-polytope {$ P = \{x \ | \ Ax \le b, \ A_e x = b_e \} $}?

Changed line 25 from:

V = P.V


vertices = P.V; rays = P.R;

August 07, 2013, at 05:33 PM by Michal Kvasnica -
Deleted line 1:
August 07, 2013, at 05:30 PM by Michal Kvasnica -
Changed line 14 from:

...specify a polyhedron P = {x | A*x <= b, Ae*x = be}?


...specify a polyhedron {$ P = \{x \ | \ Ax \le b, \ A_e x = b_e \} $}?

Changed line 19 from:

...retrieve the H-representation { x | A*x<=b, Aeq*x=beq } of polyhedron P?


...retrieve the H-representation {$ P = \{x \ | \ Ax \le b, \ A_e x = b_e \} $}?

August 07, 2013, at 05:29 PM by Michal Kvasnica -
Changed line 4 from:

...specify a polyhedron P = {x | A*x <= b}?


...specify a polyhedron {$ P = \{x \ | \ Ax \le b\} $}?

May 23, 2013, at 08:35 PM by Michal Kvasnica -
Added lines 1-87:

How do I...

...specify a polyhedron P = {x | A*x <= b}?

(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:)
P = Polyhedron(A, b)

...specify a polyhedron using vertices V?

(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:)
P = Polyhedron(V)

...specify a polyhedron P = {x | A*x <= b, Ae*x = be}?

(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:)
P = Polyhedron('A', A, 'b', b, 'Ae', Ae, 'be', be)

...retrieve the H-representation { x | A*x<=b, Aeq*x=beq } of polyhedron P?

(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:)
A = P.A, b = P.B, Aeq = P.Ae; beq =

...retrieve vertices of an H-polytope { x | A*x<=b, Aeq*x=beq }?

(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:)
V = P.V

...remove redundant faces of a polyhedron?

(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:)

...plot polyhedron P in red and polyhedron Q in blue in the same figure?

(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:)
plot(P, 'color', 'r', Q, 'color', 'b')

...normalize the H-representation of a polyhedron?

(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:)

...find out how many inequality and equality constraints define polyhedron P?

(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:)
nineq = size(P.H, 1); neq = size(P.He, 1);

...plot the k-th facet of polyhedron P?

(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:)
facet = P.getFacet(k); facet.plot()

...compute the Chebyshev center and radius of the k-th facet of polyhedron P?

(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:)
data = P.minHRep().getFacet(k).chebyCenter(); x = data.x, r = data.r

...project point z onto the k-th facet of polyhedron P?

(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:)
y = P.minHRep().getFacet(k).project(z).x

...determine whether polyhedron P is empty?

(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:)
answer = P.isEmptySet()

...determine whether polyhedron P is lower-dimensional?

(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:)
lowdim = ~P.isFullDim()

...specify an n-dimensional hyperbox with unit length of its sides?

(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:)
box = Polyhedron('lb', -ones(n, 1), 'ub', ones(n, 1))

...compute the bounding box of a polyhedron P?

(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:)
box = P.outerApprox()

...compute the bounding box of an array of polyhedra (say, A = [P; Q]?

(:source lang=MATLAB -getcode:)
box = PolyUnion(A).outerApprox();